We want ... your money*
If you would like to support us- just once, orrepeatedly, or even on a regular basis - great!...we'll be happy with any amount, large or small.
We have a graduated donation scheme. We like to picture ourselves as a swarm of fish of all different sizes swimming together in our ElasmOcean.
Order at Amazon via Smile.Amazon.de and donate to ElasmOcean at no extra cost.
Once - or at regular intervals..

Krill / Plankton
... and then along come the unconventional male pregnant
who just like to do their own thing..
10,00 €
20,00 €
100,00 €
250,00 €
500,00 €
... any amount wanted that doesn't fit into the scheme
"AmazonSmile is an easy way for customers to do something good for a social organization of their choice with every purchase they make through Amazon - at no extra cost to customers or organizations. AmazonSmile gives customers the identical shopping
experience they have come to expect from Amazon.co.uk, with the same low
prices, choice and convenience of shopping - with the added benefit of Amazon donating 0.5% of the purchase amount out of its own pocket to a social
organisation of the customer's choice".
This is how Amazon explains it
- and it works.
*) As a non-governmental organisation we need donations to finance our work. All our members are non-paid volunteers. We put the money we receive into our projects and not into our pockets. That’s our promise!
Contribution receipts
If you need any contribution receipt, please contact us.
Most probably our receipts will not have any useful effect in your country - but who knows? Let's find out together...
(as read - left to right, up to down)
The Ocean Agency / Grant Thomas, Adobe Stock (2x), Friederike Kremer-Obrock, Hannes Klostermann, Friederike Kremer-Obrock, Andreas Windhagen