Informationen about ElasmOcean in accordance with the voluntary commitment of the Transparent Civil Society Initiative
ElasmOcean to join the Transparent Civil Society Initiative, a German initiative for transparency in non-profit organisations. This promotes a more detailed information, which we offer voluntarily, and which goes beyond the legal publication obligations for non-profit organisations in Germany.
Here you will find, in ten sections, background information about ElasmOcean, its goals, who the decision-makers are, where the funds come from and how they are used:
Please note: Our statutes as well as the activity and annual reports are currently only available in German. Translations into other languages would tie up time and resources which, at least so far, we prefer to put into our programme work. For specific questions, please contact the Executive Board.
Name, registered office, address and foundation year
ElasmOcean e.V.
Seidenweberstr. 9, 40764 Langenfeld
foundation year 2019
Complete statutes as well as information on the aims of our organisation
The statutes (German: »Satzung«) of ElasmOcean e.V. contains in § 2 our aims,
(a) to preserve bio-diversity especially of the ocean, to protect, restore, secure, maintain and improve the marine natural balance in all its components and to stop the destruction and impairment of the oceans and their inhabitants, particularly sharks,
(b) to discourage any action which is or may be prejudicial to the survival of the species,
(c) to contribute to the establishment of the principle of sustainable and environmentally sound behaviour in private and public perception, and
(d) to work towards ensuring that environmental protection and the conservation of species are taken into account in a manner commensurate with their importance.
Furthermore, it is stipulated that the statutory purpose shall be realised in a non-violent and sustainable manner, in particular through the realisation of scientific events and research projects, through the awarding of research contracts, through public relations work, and through the promotion of environmental protection.
The association sees itself as professionally competent, sustainable, innovative and reliable, and guarantees this through the voluntary work of all members and organs. The association is non-partisan, non-confessional and non-ethical. It resolutely opposes racist, anti-constitutional and xenophobic endeavours and other discriminatory or inhuman practices. It pays respect to social, gender and racial justice.
Information about German taxes
The tax office in 40721 Hilden has determined in a notice on the separate determination of the statutory requirements on 11 February 2020 that we promote the non-profit purpose »promotion of environmental protection« in accordance with § 52 (2) section 1 no. 8 AO and are therefore entitled (currently until 10 February 2023) to issue donation receipts for donations made to us for use for these purposes and for membership fees.
Activity and annual reports
The association was founded in 2019 and the first Executive Board was appointed. Since then, two activity and annual reports have been adopted in German language,
on 23.12.2020 for the financial year 2019 (download here in German, PDF, 1,5 MB),
and (last activity and annual report)
Personnel structure
ElasmOcean has no employees and no honorary staff; there are currently no volunteer services involved - all active persons work on a voluntary basis.
Information on the source of funds
Information on the use of funds
Social Affiliation with Third Parties
Names of persons whose annual payments account for more than 10% of our total annual income
We refer in this regard to Section I. Income, in particular item 13 Major donors (p. 14), of the financial report in the last activity and annual report (in German), as well as to the respective current nominations in the »Hall of Fame«.
(as read - left to right, up to down)
Friederike Kremer-Obrock