Who we are - our organization
Who is behind ElasmOcean
The organisation perceives itself as scientifically competent, sustainable, innovative and responsible, and guarantees this through the voluntary work of all members and institutions. The organisation is not bound to any political party, ideology, confession or ethics. It resolutely opposes racist, anti-constitutional and xenophobic tendencies and other discriminatory or inhuman practices. It respects social, gender and generational equality.
(from the statutes of ElasmOcean e.V.)
People & brainpower
- Who works with and for ElasmOcean?
- Who are our members?
- Who are our speakers?
... sea here soon.
Advisory Panels
Scientific advisory panel
- Dr. Andrea Marshall
- Dr. Benedikt Niesterok
- Dr. Vera Schüssel
- Dr. Mara Schmiing
Member advisory panel
- Sigrid Jahnke (spokeswoman)
- Tobias Gude
- Nicole Kappelhoff
- How can I support and participate?
- How can I become a member?
- How can I apply to become a speaker?
... sea here soon.
- Were can you meet us?
- How can you book us?
... sea here soon.

The German Transparent Civil Society Initiative:
- Statutes, goals, sources and applications of funds - we are transparent. Because we believe in it.
... sea here soon in English as well.
Sponsors & Donators
- How to become a sponsor (supporter for a project)?
- How to donate?
- Hall of Fame of our supporters
... click in the text above
(as read - left to right, up to down)
Friederike Kremer-Obrock, Daniela Bielfeld, Friederike Kremer-Obrock, The Ocean Agency / Fabrice Dudenhofer, Friederike Kremer-Obrock (2x), Adobe Stock, The Ocean Agency / Brook Peterson